How to Measure Health

Hello, tender friends!

This little buddyy had his 4-year-old wellness check up this past week.

They checked his height and weight, but fortunately didn’t see any problem with it. The doctor I took him to last year actually suggested that I feed him white sugar and ice cream to increase his weight.

Thankfully, this doctor was far more reasonable and said that there’s nothing wrong with his weight- that he just happens to be tall but also thin- and that there was nothing wrong with his weight last year either.

But all of this, combined with my own experience with medical crisis got me thinking- what is the best way to measure health? We all know people who smoked and drank or ate bacon everyday and somehow lived until 90 years old.

We also all know people who did everything “right” but were taken far before their time.

Cub told me this story that evening after hearing one of his friends use the word “idiot” for the first time: “A bunch of idiots went up to the North Pole and killed 9% of the polar bear population. But it’s okay, Mommy. Then God went to the North Pole and brought the polar bears back to life!”

Listening to his story that night after our visit to the pediatrician in the morning gave me clarity on the best way to measure health: ask the patient to tell a story.

Cub managed to tell a story with conflict and its solution. That solution declared God is redeemer of what the “idiots” of the world do.

That tells me everything I need to know about his health, both physical and spiritual.

Ok, thank you for stopping by, tender friends, and thank you to the new friends who have signed up! I’ll be writing a follow-up to this in my next post.

Thank you for sharing!

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  1. Janice Reid

    Wow those childhood jokes have evolved from the stupid “knock knock” jokes I used to tell as a child 🤣. “White sugar and ice-cream?” Glad you found another doctor.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Stacey

      He doesn’t know any knock knock jokes yet, but I’m sure he’ll love them when he hears them. He’s just always loved telling stories with drama, hahaha!

      Yes, thankfully this doctor is a lot more reasonable. I just can’t understand the obsession with fattening healthy kids up!


  2. ladysheepdog

    Yeah I was told to let our girls have as much ice cream, sour cream and Mickey D’s as they wanted…..I did…..

    Yeah for God….He can fix any idiot problem…..I know, He has fixed many things I have done – lol….I’ve never been to the North Pole, so that wasn’t me…….but……

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Stacey

      wow, I’m sorry to hear that, Susan! I just stared in disbelief and said, “But he’s in the 98 percentile for height. Clearly he’s getting what his body needs.”


      1. ladysheepdog

        They were pre-mature and weighed under 3 lbs a piece at birth. They were always skinny for their age, until high school…’s all good now….


    2. Stacey

      i remember you saying how small they were when they were born. Wow! So glad it’s all good now, Susan!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Awakening Wonders

    Let’s hope God works on the ‘idiot’ doctor who told you to fill up your son with sugar and ice cream!!!!! He looks healthy and happy, and God has him right where he needs to be!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Stacey

      It’s madness! Thankfully God is good!


  4. Regal woman@TransamEagle

    You both look great!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Stacey

      thank you, Teresa! He’s a beautiful little boo boo, if I may say so myself!

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      1. Regal woman@TransamEagle

        Genetics do play a part…tall and thin are the envy of most!!

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Stacey

      We’ll see… I remember the boys I grew up with being obsessed with bulking up as they got older! I do think he’ll end up being tall though, which boys usually also want to be.

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