Release to Heal

Hello, tender friends!

Breath work and bodily movement can heal you. When I first read about somatic movement releasing suppressed emotions as a path to healing, I was cautiously optimistic.

Then I read about a somatic breathing exercise and tried it. I basically expanded my upper chest as much as I could while inhaling and then try to exhale with his little muscle movement as possible. Pleasant tingling and well-being radiated throughout my entire body. I got amazing sleep that night and have been practicing that breathing exercise ever since. I actually said to myself as I lay in bed, This feels like heaven on Earth.

Then I practiced this simple exercise. (I don’t know that person on YouTube, and you can simply Google somatic exercise for whatever body part you feel pain in if that link doesn’t do it for you. I did think it was amazing how strongly I could feel my energetic field afterwards though).

I actually felt worse the first few times I did it, similar to a bodily detox. It triggered memories that were years old that I didn’t want to think about. I could also feel that I was inconveniently on the verge of crying.

Then yesterday I did it again yesterday, cried, and felt cleansed. Crying isn’t fun, but sometimes it’s necessary. I also felt intimacy with the Lord afterwards, as if the somatic exercise released a barrier between us.

Why doesn’t everyone do this? Because, even though it’s free and anyone can do it, it puts you in a vulnerable position.

Crying as a path to healing isn’t always fun. Yet here I am, seeking out more.

The hero’s journey is available to everyone. I’m taking mine a step further.

I hope to see you there, on the other side, wherever that is.

Thank you for stopping by and thank you for sharing! Thursday’s post will be on embracing rage as a follow-up to this one.

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  1. omasteffi

    I would love to learn more about this as I begin my healing journey after retiring!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Stacey

      congratulations on your retirement! Will you be at toastmasters in may? I just downloaded a half hour workout that was amazing!! I feel like I just had a chiropractic adjustment and actually felt my spine shift! I’m just learning myself, but we can learn together!


  2. Awakening Wonders

    Yes, somatic breathing exercises are such a very good thing! Thanks for sharing!💖

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Stacey

      I’m so glad you’ve experienced the glory, Mary!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. marcdeb

    Very interesting and definitely a must to pay attention to a relaxed form of breathing.
    Thank you very much for sharing the exercises of “Somatic Exercises to Relieve Shoulder Tension”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Stacey

      Thank you so much for your comment! Did you do the hand rubbing at the end? I couldn’t believe how intense the vibration was when I did it!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. marcdeb

        You see, each of us is a unique vibration in a beautiful symphony of infinite creation.
        And yes, Stacey, rubbing hands is and gives an enormous satisfaction and experience.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Regal woman@TransamEagle

    So true!
